Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Just Doing What I Love To Do

I haven't been out with my camera for a long, long time.  Here is one that I took shortly before the walls closed in around us due to the covid outbreak. I'm going to need a new macro for my Nikon camera.  Then I can take photos of little tiny things or parts of things, something that I think I would really enjoy doing.  Perhaps a 1x1 centimetre section of a water painting...oh yes!  I bought it a little over three years ago shortly before being diagnosed with the gigantic aortic aneurysm that changed my whole life.  While I've used it, I haven't gone at it like I did BA (before Aneurysm).  I do love this photo!  Note to self:  get back into it!

Now that it's possible to go outside and mess around a bit, I really have no excuse, except perhaps that the N95 mask gets in the way when I raise the camera to my eye.  Never have been one to look at the picture on the screen, that just feels wrong.  Not to mention, it reduces the length of battery life.

Love to crochet, and have long since run out of people to give blankets to.  I have a line on an organization that gives hand made blankets to kids in some sort of need.  I hope they have a branch here, because I have plenty of yarn just waiting to be used.

It's a meditation.  It's calming.  It produces something lovely and useful.  It allows sitting and watching a movie on television NOT seem like wasted time.

The two photos above are small bits of the blanket most recently finished.  I've joined yarn leftover from other projects into massive balls for several years now.  I use a method called a Russian join that gives me a more or less invisible join between the two ends.  Just a bit of thickness when you crochet past the join, that melts into invisibility as you move on.  I think of this as the blanket of many colors, which it most certainly is.  This is a bedspread for my queen sized bed.  It's gorgeous!  I love it!  And it is entirely too hot to put on the bed in the middle of summer.  Will post a picture once I do.
Here are a few of the balls of yarn, with a tv remote alongside so that you can see how big they are.  Sometime back I tried to take a picture of the work in progress...Chloe claimed the spot of hers and commenced a kitty bath before I could get the picture.  She lost no time at all!  

Couple of photos I took in my little apartment deck garden a year or two ago.  Love!

Love to ride, lovely hired horse who was actually fairly cooperative and didn't try to return to stable too often.  Drizzly kind of NW Washington day...we had scheduled a hayride for a group of developmentally delayed adults, and what with extra staff and participants it turned out we were one person to many for the wagon.  Someone had to ride a horse, and I didn't even have to fight for it!  I would have.  In my book, drizzle does not count as rain.  Just put on a hat and move on.  What a great day!
Once I began painting again, I rediscovered a box of very nice tubes of paint (when I first published this blog I found I had written 'pain' instead of 'paint'.  I almost left it) stashed in the dim recesses of my closet.  All of them were fine except the Da Vinci manganese violet.  The top swatch here is what came out of that old tube.  The bottom is what it really should look like.  I wrote to Da Vinci and asked what had caused the degradation of the first tube.  And that it definitely was old paint and that I wasn't after a replacement, just wanted to know why.  They kindly insisted on replacing it, and thank you very much!  It's so lovely to have it back.  As to the answer to my question, it was basically that with this type of paint, it happens.

Not a WIP anymore, I did a wash on this, dropping in bits of colors that I love at the moment (of course including metallic colors, I'm cannot help myself, it may be diagnostic of something or other).  Maybe it was the three hundred or so Grateful Dead concerts....

The bead work is something  else I do and when I ran across this one I thought it rather belonged in the middle of this piece.  Don't know if I will permanently attach it...but I might.

In addition the the format dumbing down that blogger has done on this new version, I have discovered that spell check, of all things! has gone missing.  Thanks, Blogger (not).

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