Monday, July 13, 2020

In The Land of Ancient Doodles

I knew these existed somewhere in my files, from the days of yore (90's to mere mortals).  All created during interminable meetings that are called PCP's (Person Centered Plans) in today's lingo.  It's not that they are boring, exactly.  The sedate cadence of voices in any meeting of this type plus the two hours they often last, has been known to put me right to sleep, especially since my part (Occupational Therapy) was perhaps 5% of the whole.   Doodling is how I used to stay awake, by engaging that artistic part of my mind.  I never missed a beat when addressed during these meetings, which surprised some.  I started drawing a portrait of the person who was the focus of the meeting and giving them to either that person or a member of their family.  I only have one, the first and worst, unfortunately.  Even so, I took one look at it and knew exactly who it was.  I have a 36 year old daughter developmental delays so these meetings might not be as frequent but they still come around...

And I still doodle to stay awake.  A selection from the old days:

I'm going to post this WIP as well.  Interesting juxtaposition.  And then I remembered this piece of beadwork I made a year or so ago and just plopped it onto the page.  It works!  It shall be incorporated...somehow.

Just checking here to see what the font size entitled "large" actually is.' I was hoping for the old fashioned numbered system instead of the five size choices that is the default. I've been dumbed down again.  Sigh.  Those who have read any of my current writing are probably thinking that is just as well.  But it is decidedly NOT.  But who cares at this moment.  Blogger is asking for feedback on the new system, so as this is my first time using it, I'll start and list now...

Print size examples created in Open Office:

This is 10.5. Hell, no.

This is 'Normal'.  Do you, do you, do you believe it?  Good lord, no.

This is 12. No.

This is 13. Better..

This is 14. About right.  Will use in Open Office/Word applications, but is not among my choices in the New, Dumbed Down Edition of Blogger.

This is 15. Is good as well.

This 16, which is still smaller that the current blogger category “Large”

This is 18. Looks like Blogger's Large.

Silly people. Let me be the judge of my own Print size.

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