Friday, October 18, 2019

Ah, the frustration of it all....

I have labored in vain to resurrect my old blog 'Lumenations'.  I give up.  Too bad to lose all that, but for some odd reason it will not appear on the dashboard.  There are ten other titled blogs that I made for no other reason than I wanted to snag that name in case I wanted to use it later.  But the one that is linked to my page, the one that I can click through and land on from said page?  The one that I can click 'dashboard' in order to start a new entry?  It does not appear. 

So fare thee well to old blog.  Perhaps I will add a link, perhaps not.  I was a much better writer then, and reading it depressed me just a bit.  Since then, I've sustained brain damage and though I'm doing well now, reading my old stuff just reminds me that I'm not who I used to be.  I'll keep track of the time spent learning French, and relearning math, just for kicks.  I'm almost back up to Algebra though, and that always was a sticking point for me.  Some things just may not be destined to change.

I'll post pictures of pretty things I make and sell on

Link here:    A few pictures here:

Without a doubt, many more photos to come. I cannot help myself.  At all.

I'll post this, perhaps do a wee bit of design and cluttering up the sidebars with wee bits of things amuse me but end up in chaos, and start writing again with alacrity.  See, I can still think of a big word now and again.

So much to relearn!  How to install hyperlinks to websites that, frankly, everyone should know about?  Don't remember.  Change the background and look?  Don't remember.  Let people know where the new blog is?  Might not remember.  Finish here and then actually post it?  Might get distracted and forget for a week.  Or more.  Or never remember.  Brain damage is no joke, but I'm actually encouraged that I got this far.

Just hit publish, already!